Common Sandpiper

(Tringa hypoleucos)

Description: It is a small type of sandpiper with a long body and short legs. It is grey brown above with white on its underbody, extending up in a pointed shape between the wing and the dark breast band. There is an indistinct white eyebrow and white-eye ring.  Their bill is dark grey with yellow at the base and the legs vary from greyish-olive to a yellowish-brown. Characterised by rapid flight, straight and low on stiff down-curved vibrating wings.

Also called Summer Snipe.

Size: 19cm-21cm.  Average weight: 50g

Voice: a ‘tee-tee-tee’ call or a tremendous whistle, a ‘tittering’

Feeding: Hunts by day, eating small molluscs, aquatic and terrestrial insects

Habitat: Found in inland or coastal wetlands, both fresh and saline. Frequents muddy inlets, mangrove swamps, or the margins of stock dams, streams or drainage channels.

Location: Breeds in Europe and Asia, It then visits Australia and New Guinea mainly in the North and West of Australia.

Nests: A depression in grass or the ground, lined with dead grass, moss or leaves

Eggs: 4, creamy buff with spots of grey and brown.

Breeding: June to July in Europe. Female will build nest alone but both sexes share incubation and care of the young. May have more than one brood a year.

Acknowledgements: Field Guide to the Birds of Australia: Simpson and Day,  A Naturalists Guide to the Birds of Australia: Dean Ingwersen National Geographic, What Bird is that?: Neville W Cayleys,,


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