Useful business contacts
Please find below useful contacts to assist you with doing business or investing in the Murrumbidgee Council area.
AusIndustry is the Australian Government's principal agency for delivering assistance, programmes and services which support industry, research and innovation.
Contact: Nicola James
Manager South West NSW
T: 0429 838 024
Destination NSW
Destination NSW is the lead government agency for the New South Wales (NSW) tourism and major events sectors.
T (02) 9931 1148
Destination Riverina Murray
Yvette Myhill
General Manager
T: 0438 017 884
ERIC - Finance for Australian Exporters
Efic works directly with businesses and their banks to provide financial support to Australian based companies which are exporting, are involved in a global supply chain or are seeking to grow internationally.
T: 1800 093 724
EnterPrise Plus
A not-for-profit that has delivered Australian, NSW, and ACT Government business advisory and education programs, workshops, and webinars, across regional NSW and the ACT
Contact: Court Sayer-Roberts
T 0428 055 324
Industry Capability Network
Industry Capability Network (ICN) is a business network that introduces Australian and New Zealand companies to projects large and small. They offer a new business source for suppliers and a sophisticated search service for project managers.
Contact: Geoff Reardon
Regional Manager – Murray Riverina
Suite F6, 48 Trail Street, Wagga Wagga NSW , 2650
T: 0402 632 027
Invest Regional NSW
Contact: Margaret O’Dwyer, Deputy Director for Riverina-Murray
T: 0408 963 148
Suite 5, 620 Macauley Street
Albury NSW 2640
NSW Business Chamber
NSW Business Chamber is the state's peak business organisation. As an independent not-for-profit, we put NSW business interests first with advocacy, trusted advice and affordable solutions for any business.
T: 13 26 96
NSW Small Business Commissioner
A range of small business programs and tools, including advice and workshops around the state are available through the Office of the NSW Small Business Commissioner.
GPO Box 5477
Sydney NSW 2001
T: 1300 795 534
Regional Development Australia – Riverina
Regional Development Australia Riverina has a commitment to bring together partnerships between whole of government, regional development organisations, the private sector and other key regional stakeholders.
Marg Couch, Project Officer
T: 0487 922 570
PO Box 8025
Griffith East NSW 2680
Rural Financial Counselling Services
Rural Financial Counselling Services are here to help you work through the tough times – whether it’s ongoing drought, poor production, declining markets or anything else affecting your business and your life.
Contact: Bonnie Hayes
Rural Financial Counsellor
6/130-140 Banna Avenue, Griffith NSW 2680
T 0447 479 694
Service NSW for Business
Contact: Andrew Wolfe
T: 13 77 88
M: 0498 539 929
Tourism Research Australia
Provides statistics and research on both international and domestic tourism within Australia, and research and analysis on the economic value of tourism to the economy. Their data assists the government, tourism industry and other Australian businesses to make informed planning, marketing and investment decisions.
T: (02) 6272 6968
Western Riverina Arts
Western Riverina Arts is a not-for-profit organisation that works in partnership with our member councils: Narrandera Shire Council, Leeton Shire Council, Griffith City Council and Murrumbidgee Shire Council to support, develop and promote the Arts in the Western Riverina.
PO Box 355
Leeton, NSW, 2705
Aanya Whitehead
T 0428 882 059
T (02) 6953 5147